Monday, June 6, 2016

Episode 2 Reactions: Arch Rivals, Harland Sanders IV, Scott Saphyre

Arch Rivals:

KA: "Yeah, I fought dirty against my own tag partner. So what? I fight dirty against everyone. He knew it was going to happen, right Jim?"

JR: "It's true. Besides, even if I didn't, who cares? We're not friends, our partnership, it's all business. As long as one of us gets the Openweight title, we become that much more in demand as a tag team."

KA: "That's right. We don't respect ANYBODY, not even each other, and I'm willing to gouge out the eyes and kick the balls of my own tag partner, well, you can only imagine what I'll do in Victory Road."

JR: "Archer and I are the most dangerous men in PGCW. He won because he can hit Archer's Arrow at any time, with deadly accuracy. I forgot that for one second, and that one second he capitalized on. No excuses. Next time might be different, but this time, he earned it, just like he'll earn the glory in two weeks time."


Harland Sanders IV:

"What you saw tonight is exactly why Black Cyborg accepted my services, and why everyone in PGCW will want to be part of CHICKEN CLUB. I took this man, this monster Mongo, who was rotting in a loony bin, and I turned his rage into a well-oiled machine of DESTRUCTION! That fat loser Megaton will be eating his meals through a straw! If they even sell solid food at whatever stupid comic book convention Megaton crawled out of. I don't know if they do, I'm not a loser like that fat nerd Megaton. I'm a WINNER. Mongo, is a WINNER. Black Cyborg, he's a WINNER. And we're going to take all the winners, bring them into CHICKEN CLUB, and take over Florida. CHICKEN CLUB, BABY!"

Scott Saphyre:

"Man, Wrecker Jr wanted to advance real bad didn't he? Usually I hit Death Wears Blue and the match is over. I hit him with it, and he kicked out. So I figured, 'Maybe I didn't do it right, maybe I didn't get the snap I usually do'. He's a big guy, and when big guys fight you even with leverage it's hard to heft em up the way you want to. So I winded him with a moonsault, hit em with another DWB and it felt like a perfect one. And he kicks out of that too and I'm like, "well hell, I KNOW I hit that one right! Now what?". I considered a submission, but at this point of the match my palms were getting wet, he was sweating, lights are really hot here in the Proving Ground and I knew I had to have it on TIGHT to make Wrecker tap.

"So I waited for him to make a mistake, and whatever his opening set himself up for, that's what I'd use. He wanted to suplex me, but he was tired, and was trying to lift his leg up to get some extra oomph in his hips to lift me. Well, that was the mistake, and it just happened to be perfect for another Death Wears Blue. It's a good thing he didn't get up from that one, I don't think I could have done a fourth! Tough guy, looking forward to tangling with him again. But for now, it's on to the Openweight title. Winning my first belt, in my own hometown? That'd make it all worth it, you know?"

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