Team #DefendTheFort:
Saphyre: "That DESPAIR dude is scary... lucky for us, my boy Gringo Diablo isn't hurt. We've had to lobby hard for this title shot and we're going to have to give it our all. Honestly, I'm feeling confident. How about you, buddy?"
Diablo: "It's pointless."
Saphyre: "Okay... not what I expected you to say."
Diablo: "What is the value of victory? Will we be remembered for it?"
Saphyre: "Yeah... our names will be on the records..."
Diablo: "Eventually the human race will die out. The halls in which those records are recorded will crumble. The machines will rot and rust, the digital cloud will vanish, any paper our achievements will be written on will decay. And even if an intelligent lifeform discovers the records before they are lost to the ages, the language they are written on will be unintelligable to them. Glory is a fleeting thing, just like man."
Saphyre: "...You know for most people their goth phase happens in their high school years..."
Diablo: "There is no point in human endeavor. No hope."
Saphyre just looks at Diablo dumbfounded...
Alex Kelley:
"RIP... RIP. Richard Ian Prescott. Sanders, did you think for one second this would discourage me? What did you expect me do, say 'Well, he's brought an MMA legend, better just go back to the Openweight title hunt'? Hell no! I'm excited, I'm PUMPED! You have any idea how much I've looked up to this guy? I mean, yeah he's kind of a douche but in the ring... he left pro kickboxing because he was just on a level above the top kickboxers. He made fools out of top level athletes. And to get to go one on one with him in the ring? See how my skills match up with his? You bet your ass I'm taking the fight! And hey, RIP, better not take me lightly man. The surgeon general's lobbying to put a health hazard warning label on my feet."
PGCW Comissioner Walter Cranston:
"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to be the first to welcome our three newest signings to PGCW. The Determination League winner, GAMEOVER. The Fan's Choice signee, The Incredible !, and finally my personal pick, Mercy Toombs. We'll be seeing them all in action with our main roster very soon. As to other Determination League participants well... opportunities may come."
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