Walter Cranston is backstage with William King, Kathy Queen (who is making out with King when the promo opens), Alex Kelley and Johnny Jones.
Cranston: "Alright... you guys won and... King, Queen... can you PLEASE stop for one minute so we can do this?"
They stop, Queen's hands all over King as they look towards the commissioner.
Cranston: "Alright, so, let's talk about the matches each of you receive. Now Johnny, you made the first elimination, so I'll give you the first pick."
Jones: "I want BLACKBIRD Sora. Two out of three falls, to settle which of us is better."
Cranston: "That's easily doable. In fact, let's make it interesting. We'll make it a number one contender's match. Queen, you're next."
Queen: "I want El Gringo Diablo, to get payback on that pudgy doofus."
Cranston: "Well, that's going to be a problem, see we haven't had contact with him since..."
Then, DESPAIR's Herald appears.
Herald: "This one can confirm that Ben Davis, formerly known as El Gringo Diablo, will answer that challenge."
Cranston: "Formerly known?"
Herald: "He has dispensed with his jovial charade."
Cranston: "And how do you know..."
Lights out, lights on, the Herald is gone.
Cranston: "Okay then. Moving right along... Mr. Kelley?"
Kelley: "I can't have Sanders one on one, right?"
Cranston: "That is correct, I'm afraid."
Kelley: "In that case I want Sanders... AND RIP. Elimination tag team match."
Cranston: "So you and Johnny Jones?"
Kelley: "Yeah, that's the plan. If you're in Johnny?"
Johnny nods.
Cranston: "We'll do that then. And last but not least... King, you get Mongo, any stipulation, name it."
King: "That camera's on right?"
Cranston: "That's why the red light is there, Mister King."
King: "Hey Mongo. Fuck you. We're having a barbed wire deathmatch, motherfucker."
Cranston: "Alright then, well, I'll go and make those matches official, each of you have a good night."
Cranston walks off, and Kelley and Jones look to King.
Kelley: "Hey man. Look, I know you didn't ask for my help so I'm not expecting a thank you. But, hell, we made a pretty good team. Maybe we should do it again some...time."
King and Queen are already making out again, and the others just walk off.
Kelley: "Jeez they have a match together and get all over each other."
Jones: "Maybe it's a fetish?"
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